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The Vanir, the oldest generation of Norse gods

Viking mythology has two groups of Norse gods: the vanir and the æsir. The æsir They are the youngest generation of Viking gods, they are related to the famous Odin and are identified above all as the gods of war and power. Surely some of its best-known members like Tyr, Balder or Thor sound familiar to you. Today in Thorkel We will tell you the story of the other clan of Viking gods, the vanir, the oldest generation of Norse gods.

Characteristics of the Vanir, the oldest generation of Norse gods

While at the æsir, they are identified as the gods of power and war, the vanir is it so related to fertility, the sea and prosperity. This generation of Norse gods they practiced incest and inbreedingThis created problems when the Christians tried to convert the Vikings to their religion, especially in fishing areas, where the cult of this generation of gods was more widespread. Other curiosities that we can highlight about the vanir is that they mastered magic and it is said that they were able to predict the future. These gods lived alongside the æsir in Asgard, although his true place was in vanaheim, place where these gods returned after the battle of the Ragnarok, according to what is said in the Poetic Edda.

generación más antigua de dioses


The most prominent members of the Vanir


Depending on which sources are consulted, this goddess is identified on the one hand, as the goddess of love, beauty or fertility and on the other hand, as the goddess of war, death, magic, prophecy, and wealth. This goddess, in addition to Norse mythology, is also present in Germanic mythology.


The brother of Freya. It is said that this god had a sword, called summerbrander, able to move and fight by herself. A Freyr he is known as the god of rain, the rising sun and fertility.


This goddess was the wife of freyr, known to be the most beautiful of the giants either Jotun. She was the daughter of the frost giant, Gymir and of the giant of the mountain, Aurboða. I was associated with earth and fertility, which is why it is said that when he married Freyr the union between heaven and earth was created.


Njörðr he's the father of Freyr and Freya. He is known as the god of the fertile land and the coast, in addition to relating him as the god of navigation, one of the most important things in Viking culture.


This goddess was actually a Jotun, but it is considered as vanir being the wife of Njörðr, from which he later ended up separating. Skadi it was the goddess of winter and hunting and some sources say that he had several children with Odin.


This goddess or giant, was the main responsible for the outbreak of the war between the vanir and the æsir. The æsir They tried to kill her three times by throwing her into the fire, but she always came back to life.

The war between æsir and the vanir

There are several versions of this important event in Viking mythology, but what all experts agree on is that after the end of this war represented the union between æsir and the vanir. As we have discussed before, this war broke out when the younger generation of Norse gods attempted to kill Gullveig. After this event, the vanir demanded that all the gods have tributes, but the æsir they refused to do so and the war began. Finally, both sides agreed to a truce after exchange hostages.


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